Being a non-religious, non-political, Non-profitable developmental organization we are helping and encouraging individuals focusing on women to take part as a vital role of Society with from all aspects special reference to health, education and nutrition of their families. We work in our target areas irrespective of their Creed, Caste and Sect. We consider ourselves responsible to those with whom we work (human and animals) and communities moreover, to those who support our work, financially and morally. Thus, we highly appreciate and value all the agencies / donors and stakeholders who support our causes financially, technically and by morally.
A World where the Human beings and animals has a better place to live and to enjoy their rights.
EACH works for live beings who have been deprived of their basic rights of Education, health due to poverty, injustice and violence in the society. We especially work with individuals and with their families to find out un resolved problems faced by them continually.